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Workers Fear Being Replaced By AI
News, Video, BNN Bloomberg, Television Jim Moss News, Video, BNN Bloomberg, Television Jim Moss

Workers Fear Being Replaced By AI

Jennifer Moss, an international speaker and author of The Burnout Epidemic, joins BNN Bloomberg to discuss trends and risks amid employees living in a post-pandemic world. 100,000 tech workers have been laid off. Jennifer talks about mass layoffs as potentially being a settling or reshuffling, or resettling of the workforce in the tech sector and others.

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The 'Great Resignation' Is Finally Getting Companies to Take Burnout Seriously. Is It Enough?
Article, Trends, Time Raven B Article, Trends, Time Raven B

The 'Great Resignation' Is Finally Getting Companies to Take Burnout Seriously. Is It Enough?

A record 42.1 million Americans quit a job in 2019, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data, but that rate dropped off during the pandemic-addled year of 2020. As 2021 approached, bringing with it the promise of effective vaccines and a return to semi-normal life, Klotz guessed that two things would happen.

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