CBC Happiness and Well-Being Columnist

The columns written by Jennifer Moss for CBC as their CBC Happiness and Well-Being columnist cover a wide range of topics related to happiness, well-being, and mental health. ​ The various topics covered in these columns:

  1. Toxic Workplace: Jennifer Moss discusses how to recognize a toxic workplace and offers advice on what to do if you find yourself in one. ​

  2. The Act of Giving: Moss explores how giving, even in small ways, can make us feel good and discusses the positive impact of giving on our well-being. ​

  3. Feeling Connected During the Holidays: Moss provides tips on how to feel connected during the holiday season after months of isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ​

  4. Importance of Disconnecting from Work: Moss emphasizes the need to be okay with not checking in on work when we're off to prevent burnout and improve well-being. ​

  5. Recharging Surge Capacity: Moss offers tips on how to regain surge capacity, which is the ability to adapt to intensely stressful situations, after it has been depleted during the pandemic. ​

  6. Impact of Micro-Stressors: Moss discusses how everyday stressors can accumulate and impact our physical and mental health. ​

  7. Openness about Mental Health at Work: Moss emphasizes the importance of being open about mental health at work and with bosses, especially during challenging times. ​

  8. Benefits of Decreased Work Hours: Moss explores a study from Iceland that shows how a shortened work week can improve well-being and increase productivity. ​

  9. Employee Well-being: Moss highlights the importance of employers caring about employee well-being and the potential consequences if they don't. ​

  10. Impact of Technology Adoption: Moss discusses the positive and negative effects of the rapid adoption of new technologies during the pandemic on our well-being. ​

  11. Finding Awe in Life: Moss encourages finding moments of awe, as it has been shown to have mental health benefits, even during the pandemic. ​

  12. Preparing for Changes: Moss provides tips on how to prepare for the changes that come with re-engaging with the world after a period of isolation.

  13. Coping with Personality Traits during the Pandemic: Moss explores how different personality traits can affect how individuals cope with the COVID-19 lockdowns and offers suggestions for improving coping skills. ​

  14. Happiness Set Points: Moss discusses the concept of a happiness set point and how it can be changed with effort. ​

  15. Importance of Different Types of Rest: Moss explains that sleep is just one of seven distinct types of rest we need to feel our best and offers suggestions for incorporating these types of rest into our lives. ​

  16. Nervousness about Returning to Normal: Moss acknowledges that some people may feel nervous about returning to normal after the pandemic and discusses ways to manage these feelings. ​

  17. Positive Impacts of Spring: Moss explores how spring can have a positive impact on mental health and well-being. ​

  18. Importance of Friends: Moss highlights the benefits of having friends for both mental and physical health. ​

  19. Brain Fog: Moss sheds light on the phenomenon of brain fog and how it can be caused by prolonged pandemic stress. ​

  20. Strategies for Overcoming COVID-19 Fatigue: Moss provides strategies for overcoming the fatigue and barriers to happiness caused by the ongoing pandemic.

  21. Importance of Self-Care and Wellness: Moss discusses the self-care tools needed to heal after the challenges of 2020. ​

  22. Emotional Preparation: Moss emphasizes the importance of emotional readiness for the new year after a challenging year.

  23. Embracing Winter: Moss offers tips on changing our mindset about winter and embracing the colder months. ​

  24. Festive Spirit and Well-being: Moss explains how getting in the festive spirit early can improve well-being. ​

  25. Altruism and Kindness: Moss explores the benefits of altruism and small acts of kindness for both individuals and society.

  26. Emotional Eating: Moss provides tips for curbing emotional eating, which has become more prevalent during the pandemic. ​

  27. Importance of Emotional Flexibility: Moss discusses the concept of emotional flexibility and why it is important, especially during challenging times. ​

  28. Gratitude and Thanksgiving: Moss explains how gratitude infused into Thanksgiving traditions can combat stress and improve well-being. ​

  29. Supporting Children's Mental Health: Moss offers advice for parents on how to help children cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on their mental health.

  30. Managing September Stress: Moss acknowledges the phenomenon of increased stress in September and provides strategies for managing it, especially during the pandemic. ​

  31. Thriving During the Pandemic: Moss explores why some people are thriving during the pandemic and offers insights into their experiences.

  32. Benefits of Smiling and Compliments: Moss discusses the positive impact of smiling and giving compliments on our own well-being. ​

  33. Impact of the Pandemic on Relationships: Moss examines the impact of the pandemic on relationships and offers suggestions for positive change.

  34. COVID-19 Related Stress: Moss highlights the high levels of stress experienced by Canadians during the pandemic and the importance of seeking help. ​

  35. Impact of COVID-19 on Touch: Moss discusses the negative impact of touch deprivation during social isolation and its effects on our well-being. ​

  36. Making Work from Home Better: Moss provides tips on how to make working from home more effective and enjoyable. ​

  37. Managing Uncertainty: Moss offers strategies for managing uncertainty, especially during times of reopening and changing plans.

  38. Lowered Expectations and Happiness: Moss explores how lowered expectations can contribute to increased well-being. ​

  39. Feeling Ungrateful and Demotivated: Moss reassures readers that feeling ungrateful and demotivated during the pandemic is normal and okay.

  40. Coping with Small Stressors: Moss explains why small stressors may feel more overwhelming during times of big stress and offers emotional tools for handling them.

  41. Healthy Workplace Relationships: Moss emphasizes the importance of healthy workplace relationships for reducing stress during the pandemic. ​

  42. Contagious Altruism: Moss discusses how anxiety and altruism can be contagious and impact our well-being during the pandemic.

  43. Death Cleaning: Moss explores the concept of "death cleaning" and its potential benefits for improving our time living. ​

  44. Happiness Predictions for a New Decade: Moss discusses trends in happiness in the 2010s and expresses optimism for the coming decade. ​

  45. Impact of Affordable Housing Crunch: Moss examines how the lack of affordable housing in Canada affects well-being and communities. ​

  46. Headline Stress Disorder: Moss addresses the impact of headline stress disorder on relationships, habits, and stress levels. ​

  47. Resilient Communities: Moss highlights the special trait that resilient communities have in common and how it helps them bounce back from challenges. ​

  48. Impact of Happiness on Voting: Moss explores how our mood, including happiness and anger, can influence our voting choices. ​

Jennifer talks about a wide range of topics related to happiness, well-being, and mental health, providing insights, advice, and strategies for improving our overall well-being in various aspects of life. ​Read her articles written for CBC in her column right here!


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