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It’s Time To Stop Feeling Guilty About Taking Vacation. Here’s How.
Fortune Raven B Fortune Raven B

It’s Time To Stop Feeling Guilty About Taking Vacation. Here’s How.

An article featuring Jennifer Moss “People don’t really know how to take time away; it’s very hard to use the vacation for what it’s worth. It’s on companies and leaders to not only provide adequate time off but to model using it. For organizations where leaders perpetuate a “do as I say, not as I do” culture, it’s easier for employees to feel the vacation guilt.”

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I Feel I Am Falling Through The Cracks At Work. Is It Time To Find Another Job?
Article, Business Insider Raven B Article, Business Insider Raven B

I Feel I Am Falling Through The Cracks At Work. Is It Time To Find Another Job?

Your distress is evident, and you’re not alone. It’s an anxious time for the workforce: The economy is facing more than the usual uncertainty, and suffice it to say, many people are worried about their job security. Gen Zers, in particular, are on edge. Recent surveys suggest this group of workers - who were born in the late 1990s and early 2000s - is feeling disconnected and anxious about their careers.

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The Dark Side Of Employee Engagement Is Passion Fatigue
Article, Well-Being Raven B Article, Well-Being Raven B

The Dark Side Of Employee Engagement Is Passion Fatigue

All organizations want an engaged workforce, with employees who care about what they do. But what happens when employee engagement becomes toxic?

Engaged workers are every leader’s dream. Let’s say you have an employee who genuinely loves what they do. They come in to work early, give tasks their full attention and elevate the performance of those around them. They never seem to wear out and you can count on them to pick up the slack when others are sick or on leave. But lying dormant below this employee’s zest for work is a huge risk.

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