I Feel I Am Falling Through The Cracks At Work. Is It Time To Find Another Job?

The article addresses the concerns of a Gen Z employee who feels that their team is no longer a priority at their company. The employee is frustrated by the lack of say in assignments, limited opportunities for larger projects, and recent managerial changes. ​ Additionally, two team members have left and have not been replaced, resulting in a shortage of staff and a decrease in morale. ​ The employee is torn between looking for a new job or staying and trying to improve the situation.

There is a general anxiety among Gen Z workers about job security, particularly in the face of a potential recession. The author advises the employee to consider that shifting corporate priorities are normal and that organizations often adjust strategies during economic downturns. ​ Jennifer talks about looking on the bright side of the situation, such as the potential for job security if layoffs occur and the opportunity to get involved in different parts of the organization. It also emphasizes the importance of building connections, raising visibility, and expanding professional networks.

The author concludes by suggesting that the employee stay in their current job, work hard, and adapt to the challenges they face. It also advises keeping an eye out for other opportunities and prioritizing career development, especially for young professionals. ​ The social cost of switching jobs has decreased, and job-hopping is no longer stigmatized. ​

Employees are encouraged to consider the normalcy of shifting corporate priorities, look for opportunities within their current organization, and actively seek career development while remaining open to other job prospects. Adaptability and building connections are emphasized as important skills for navigating professional challenges.


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