How To Be A High Performing CMO


Every CMO worth their salt wants to get better at what they do. The last few years have been a tumultuous time as businesses have seen exponential changes to how we live and work. CMOs are also increasingly under pressure to drive growth despite a volatile economic environment – however it also presents significant opportunities if they adopt the right approach. So how can a CMO take things to the next level in 2023?

Jennifer says “CMO’s need to look differently at what flexibility means in 2023 and beyond: “CMOs have a unique skillset when it comes to branding. But, if they are promoting values publicly that don’t align with their actions internally, it erodes trust. More than ever, leaders can’t be tone-deaf. The way to ensure authenticity is simple – just ask. Ask your employees about how they view the internal brand? Do our values align with what we project outwardly? It that purpose felt in my day-to-day experience of work? What are we doing right? What can we improve? Learning the answers to these questions helps us to connect our people to the mission and be more intrinsically motivated to pursue goals.”

The key focus areas for all high performing CMOs to consider are:

1. Focus on maintaining a health balance all aspects of your life – not just your job.

2. Take your skill set to another level by leveraging data and insight.

3. Listen to your teams and customers feedback. 

4. Recognize the way we work has changed forever and focus on bringing back the excitement to your team and their work.


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