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Despite Strong Job Report, Managers Still Fighting Burnout
Article, Burnout Raven B Article, Burnout Raven B

Despite Strong Job Report, Managers Still Fighting Burnout

Managers who struggle to recruit and retain workers are trying to address burnout and workplace happiness. But employees are still jumping companies, changing fields or retiring early at record rates, and managers in many fields struggle to hire. So why are so many employees quitting — and how do you stop it?

Organizations need to realize that burnout is systemic, and solutions that only focus on the individual won’t work, according to Jennifer Moss, author of “The Burnout Epidemic.”

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Prevent Employee Burnout
Article, Burnout Raven B Article, Burnout Raven B

Prevent Employee Burnout

Employee burnout is one of the leading problems facing organizations today. “It was already an issue reaching a boiling point before the pandemic,” says Jennifer Moss, a noted speaker and workplace culture consultant. “But now I’d say it’s a bigger problem than ever before. The root causes of burnout have exploded … and it’s a global phenomenon.

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I Feel I Am Falling Through The Cracks At Work. Is It Time To Find Another Job?
Article, Business Insider Raven B Article, Business Insider Raven B

I Feel I Am Falling Through The Cracks At Work. Is It Time To Find Another Job?

Your distress is evident, and you’re not alone. It’s an anxious time for the workforce: The economy is facing more than the usual uncertainty, and suffice it to say, many people are worried about their job security. Gen Zers, in particular, are on edge. Recent surveys suggest this group of workers - who were born in the late 1990s and early 2000s - is feeling disconnected and anxious about their careers.

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“You’re so resilient” Isn’t the Compliment We Thought it Was. Why it’s Time to Rethink This Important Trait
Article, Fortune Raven B Article, Fortune Raven B

“You’re so resilient” Isn’t the Compliment We Thought it Was. Why it’s Time to Rethink This Important Trait

Jennifer Moss, author of The Burnout Epidemic: The Rise of Chronic Stress and How We Can Fix It, explains that processing of all of these challenges tap the brain’s “surge capacity,” similar to an influx of patients in an emergency room in which, at some point, resources run out. We can’t simply muster resilience from a state of total depletion.

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Why Gen Xers Are Struggling With Remote Work
Article, WorkLife Raven B Article, WorkLife Raven B

Why Gen Xers Are Struggling With Remote Work

When it comes to remote work, Gen X seems to have mixed emotions. It’s a challenge employers are faced with as they try to reshape what the future of work looks like for a range of job candidates — and what that marketability looks like for those applicants. It’s something Gen Xer Jennifer Moss regularly discusses with friends. “Burnout is a big factor for this group because it takes a lot more work to work,” said Moss, author of Unlocking Happiness at Work and The Burnout Epidemic: The Rise of Chronic Stress And How We Can Fix It.

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What To Do About Burnout
Article, Forbes, Burnout Raven B Article, Forbes, Burnout Raven B

What To Do About Burnout

Moss and I spoke about the root causes of burnout, how to spot it in your teams, and some practical solutions to help your teams alleviate—and prevent—burnout. According to Moss, it’s critical for leaders to be aware of when and why team burnout occurs. Three key reasons Moss identifies in her book are: unsustainable workload, lack of relationships, and lack of recognition and autonomy from team leaders.

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How Purpose And Employee Empowerment Can Stop Burnout
Article, Burnout, Forbes Raven B Article, Burnout, Forbes Raven B

How Purpose And Employee Empowerment Can Stop Burnout

Burnout has become a global phenomenon that affects a wide range of professions, reduces productivity and hurts the overall economy. It also takes a social and psychological toll on those who suffer from it. Moreover, trying to simply decrease stress and schedule relaxation time is not working to stop what Jennifer Moss calls, the burnout epidemic.

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The New Office On The Go: How We Went From The 9-to-5 To The 24/7
Article Raven B Article Raven B

The New Office On The Go: How We Went From The 9-to-5 To The 24/7

Back in the early ‘90s, only a choice few could afford the convenience of a mobile office. How rare was it to have an office in the car? Well, rare enough that we devoted an entire March 1990 article, The Ultimate Office on Wheels, to exploring how top executives were using new devices like cell phones, car faxes and mobile computers to take their work on the road.

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IndustryWeek Book Club
Interview, Burnout Raven B Interview, Burnout Raven B

IndustryWeek Book Club

Moss is the author of The Burnout Epidemic: The Rise of Chronic Stress and How We Can Fix It. She talks with Senior Editor Laura Putre about her research on workplace burnout during the pandemic and how leaders should rethink their approach.

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