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Measure Your Level of Job Burnout with this Simple Visual Scale
Article, Burnout, Fast Company Raven B Article, Burnout, Fast Company Raven B

Measure Your Level of Job Burnout with this Simple Visual Scale

Last year, more than half of workers said they were flaming out. Today at least a quarter of the 15,000 people across 15 countries that McKinsey Health Institute surveyed in August said they were experiencing burnout. People are still leaving their jobs because they’ve flamed out, and in some industries, such as education, healthcare, and retail, emotional exhaustion is getting worse, says Jennifer Moss, a journalist and author of the book The Burnout Epidemic.

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Burnt Out At Work? You Need Friends.
Article, Burnout, Forbes Raven B Article, Burnout, Forbes Raven B

Burnt Out At Work? You Need Friends.

While burnout can stem from many sources, a key contributor is feeling lonely at work. Many of the leaders I talk to report heightened feelings of loneliness in our hybrid and remote workplace world. Consider this question: when is the last time you felt like you had friends at work?” You may have been fire hosed with the message: “work is for work: find your friends elsewhere.” Yet friends can greatly improve your experience of your work - not to mention, your effectiveness.

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Burnout: The Lurking Condition You Can’t Afford To Ignore
Article, Burnout, Forbes Raven B Article, Burnout, Forbes Raven B

Burnout: The Lurking Condition You Can’t Afford To Ignore

Back in the old days - you know, pre-pandemic - 'burnout” was a term often tossed around to describe the condition of people who were simply tired of (or from) their jobs. In today’s workplace, burnout is a real deal condition that’s dangerously affecting millions of people. In addition to the horrendous cost to employee engagement and productivity, burnout literally has life and death implications for the people who suffer from it.

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The Dark Side Of Employee Engagement Is Passion Fatigue
Article, Well-Being Raven B Article, Well-Being Raven B

The Dark Side Of Employee Engagement Is Passion Fatigue

All organizations want an engaged workforce, with employees who care about what they do. But what happens when employee engagement becomes toxic?

Engaged workers are every leader’s dream. Let’s say you have an employee who genuinely loves what they do. They come in to work early, give tasks their full attention and elevate the performance of those around them. They never seem to wear out and you can count on them to pick up the slack when others are sick or on leave. But lying dormant below this employee’s zest for work is a huge risk.

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The Pandemic Changed Us. Now Companies Have to Change Too
Article, Work, HBR Raven B Article, Work, HBR Raven B

The Pandemic Changed Us. Now Companies Have to Change Too

Working under the weight of chronic stress, financial insecurity, and collective grief forced people to work harder and longer to get to the same goals. We became exhausted, self-efficacy decreased, and cynicism grew. It’s no wonder that people eventually hit the wall. But it was still shocking when nearly half of the global workforce said, almost simultaneously, “I quit!”

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McKinsey Author Talks
Interview, Burnout, McKinsey Raven B Interview, Burnout, McKinsey Raven B

McKinsey Author Talks

In this edition of Author Talks, McKinsey Global Publishing’s Lucia Rahilly chats with Jennifer Moss, Harvard Business Review contributor, nationally syndicated radio columnist, and member of the Global Happiness Council. In her book, The Burnout Epidemic: The Rise of Chronic Stress and How We Can Fix It (Harvard Business Review Press, September 2021), Moss reveals the real causes of burnout and how organizations can stop the chronic stress cycle that an alarming number of workers suffer.

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