“I’m Burning Out. How Can I Recharge and Find My Next Career Move?”


"I’m currently on sick leave because I’m burning out. How can I recharge and find my next career move?"

Jennifer Moss is an award-winning workplace wellness expert and the author of The Burnout Epidemic: The Rise of Chronic Stress and How We Can Fix It She argues that burnout is never the worker's fault and is more commonly caused by unhealthy workplace cultures, poor or missing relationships, mismatches in total rewards and compensation and more. Here's her advice. 

Burnout can have serious impacts on our physical and mental health. The key is getting what's called "authentic rest"—it's the most important step in your effort to recharge. Researcher and speaker by Dr. Dalton Smith suggests that we are in a rest deficit, and I agree. She believes that we need seven types of rest to be at our most optimal. Women are more likely to experience burnout for a multitude of reasons including the amount of invisible home-based work that women carry the disproportionate load of and due to the long-standing inequalities women often face in the workplace.

Jennifer is consistently engaged on LinkedIn, eager to connect and dive deeper into the latest trends in workplace well-being and employee happiness. Let's continue the conversation there! Please consider connecting with Jen on LinkedIn.


Newsweek Live featuring Dorie Clark and Jennifer Moss: How to Manage Burnout


Finding a New Job is Possible — Even When You’re Burned Out