Burnout: The Lurking Condition You Can’t Afford To Ignore


Back in the old days - you know, pre-pandemic - 'burnout” was a term often tossed around to describe the condition of people who were simply tired of (or from) their jobs.

In today’s workplace, burnout is a real deal condition that’s dangerously affecting millions of people. In addition to the horrendous cost to employee engagement and productivity, burnout literally has life and death implications for the people who suffer from it. It might be said that burnout is nature’s way of telling you you’ve been going through the motions your soul has abandoned.

Many factors seem to be contributing to the problem: lack of time for focused work, work-life balance, meeting overload, workday length. Studies show that workers aren’t “quietly quitting” because they want a better mission statement, a raise, more frequent promotions, or a wider selection of free sushi in the company cafeteria. They simply want a schedule that allows for more focus, fewer meetings, reduced chaos, and an upgrade in flexilbility to live the lives of well-rounded humans.


Burnt Out At Work? You Need Friends.


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