IndustryWeek Book Club


Moss is the author of The Burnout Epidemic: The Rise of Chronic Stress and How We Can Fix It. She talks with Senior Editor Laura Putre about her research on workplace burnout during the pandemic and how leaders should rethink their approach.

Here’s an excerpt of the interview, and follow the link to watch the entire segment.

Q: I'm wondering if you can tell me a little bit about why you wanted to research workplace burnout and how you went about it?

A: You know it has been a circuitous journey; I think most people feel like that in their career. I've always wanted to write, I studied journalism, and I started up my own company - I co-founded it actually with my spouse, and we wanted to understand in a workplace mostly because we spent so much time in our lives there. You know, I've been curious about happiness and well-being and its interplay between success and high performance at work, and we started up this company gathering data around that and trying to figure out solutions for how to improve happiness at work, and what we kept coming across is that people are kind of constantly being given ice cream when they need water, and the wellness programs and the offerings and the way that we were you know utilizing perks and some of these other downstream tactics weren't solving for people's stress and chronic stress.


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