Toxic Productivity is Making Workers Unhappy, Says UN Happiness Council Expert. Here Are 3 Ways to Feel More Upbeat

"Toxic productivity" is a major cause of chronic stress, burnout, and unhappiness among workers today. Advances in technology from work phones to emails and laptops have tied employees closer to their job than ever over the past two decades.

Jennifer Moss, an expert on workplace happiness provides insights and tips on how to combat toxic productivity. ​

Jennifer talks about how advances in technology have made it easier for work to intrude into people's personal lives, leading to a constant connection to work and an inability to set boundaries. She emphasizes the importance of disconnecting from work when possible and prioritizing personal time. Moss suggests asking oneself questions like "Is this a deathbed regret?" and "Can I do it in alignment with my priorities?" ​ to make decisions that align with one's values and bring more happiness and fulfillment.

The article also discusses the impact of constant connectivity on loneliness and the quality of working relationships. Jennifer points out that despite being more connected than ever, people are feeling lonelier and more isolated. ​ She encourages individuals to foster deeper connections with their colleagues by engaging in non-work-related conversations and meeting in person.

Jennifer emphasizes the importance of taking control of one's own happiness and well-being. While external factors like a bad boss or toxic work culture can have an impact, Moss believes that individuals have the responsibility to develop their own psychological fitness and find ways to reconnect with the reasons why they chose their job in the first place.


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