The Biggest Risk in Business Right Now is Grief

The biggest risk in business right now is grief

This article looks at the impact of grief on employees in the workplace, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. ​ Grief is a significant risk in business and can have a profound financial impact on productivity. ​ The author mentions that grief was estimated to cost employers up to $75 billion annually in lost productivity even before the pandemic. ​ The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this issue, with millions of Americans experiencing grief due to the loss of loved ones, job loss, and the overall disruption caused by the pandemic. ​

The article highlights the importance of addressing grief in the workplace and the need for employers to provide support and resources for employees. ​ Jennifer Moss, an author and workplace consultant, emphasizes the impact of loss on employee productivity. ​ Employers should recognize and acknowledge grief, provide training for managers to have conversations about grief, offer peer support and grief support groups, and expand bereavement leave. ​

The article also discusses the disproportionate impact of grief on certain communities, such as Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people who have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 and systemic racism. ​ It mentions the mental anguish experienced by Black employees due to ongoing systemic racism and the trauma caused by witnessing the harm and death of other Black individuals. ​

Employers to address grief in the workplace and provide support for employees who are experiencing loss, and employers should prioritize mental wellness and create a supportive environment for employees to process their grief. ​


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