Employee Apathy at All-Time High

“Surveying is great, but if you don’t do anything with the data, or don’t know what to do with the data, nothing changes,” said Jennifer Moss, a workplace strategist and author of "Unlocking Happiness at Work" and "The Burnout Epidemic." 

Discussing issue of employee apathy and disengagement in the workplace, as highlighted in Gallup's latest report that found that employees are lacking clarity of expectations and the necessary tools to perform their work effectively. ​ The decline in employee engagement was observed across remote, hybrid, and on-site workers, with the highest decline seen in exclusively remote workers. ​

The author emphasizes the importance of taking action based on employee surveys rather than just conducting them. Jennifer Moss, a workplace strategist and author, emphasizes that surveying is great, but if the data is not utilized or if employers don't know how to use it, nothing will change. ​

Gallup's survey, called the Q12, consists of 12 questions that assess employee engagement. ​ The first two questions, which focus on clarity of expectations and having the necessary materials and equipment, are crucial for job performance. ​ The report highlights that a lack of role clarity makes other engagement elements less impactful and leads to decreased employee performance. ​

The responsibility for employee experience is said to lie with the CEO, as disengaged employees cost the world $7.8 trillion in lost productivity in 2022 alone. ​ However, the article raises the issue of employees not being honest in surveys due to fear of repercussions or lack of trust in management.

The author also mentions the importance of providing employees with the right materials and equipment to succeed. ​ It is surprising that some employers fail to do so, as it not only empowers workers but also improves job performance and satisfaction. ​

Overall, the article emphasizes the need for clarity of expectations, the provision of necessary tools, and taking action based on employee surveys to address the issue of employee apathy and disengagement. Jennifer talks about the importance of utilizing survey data and taking appropriate measures to improve employee engagement.


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