Rethinking Work-Life, Well-Being, Leadership, and Work Culture

Welcome to Jennifer Moss's dedicated space, where in-depth explorations into burnout, employee happiness and well-being, and workplace culture converge. As an award-winning journalist and in-demand female public speaker, Jennifer has been at the forefront of burnout research, delving deep into the modern workplace's complexities. Her insights offer a fresh perspective, especially in these times when a parallel Burnout Epidemic rages alongside global and social challenges.

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With articles rooted in positive psychology, her writings serve as a guidepost for leaders, executives, and individuals navigating the often turbulent waters of workplace health, mental health, and work-life balance. You'll find a unique blend of research, the latest data, personal experiences, and actionable insights. Jennifer's blog serves as a resource for those seeking to understand, adapt, and thrive. Dive in and join the conversation on creating healthier, happier professional landscapes."

Dealing with Social Isolation
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Dealing with Social Isolation

As COVID-19 became more dangerous, our world was forced to make many lifestyle changes, including work and home life, social and human interactions and more. This change made it very difficult for individuals to have any form of social interaction with others, especially at work. In this article written for SHRM, Jennifer Moss explains how leaders have the power to mediate change for workplace isolation and what steps they can take.

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What Happens When The Leader Burns Out?
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What Happens When The Leader Burns Out?

Are you a leader at work? Are you feeling exhausted, while struggling to maintain your workload? We spend most of our adult life trying to find a balance between our work and personal life; however, it can be very overwhelming when you’re trying to find a balance. One of the many roles of a leader is to keep their employees organized so everything flows smoothly, from meeting goals to deadlines.

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Leadership During the Recovery
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Leadership During the Recovery

The recovery refers to the time we find ourselves in now, and that we expect to last for the next one to two years. We’re no longer in the emergency phase of the pandemic, but we’re certainly not “back to normal”.

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Burnout is About Your Workplace, Not Your People
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Burnout is About Your Workplace, Not Your People

Although developing emotional intelligence skills — like optimism, gratitude, and hope — can give people the rocket fuel they need to be successful, if an employee is dealing with burnout, we have to stop and ask ourselves why.

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Want to Prevent Burnout?
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Want to Prevent Burnout?

Preventing Burnout is About Empathetic Leadership. Instead of just pivoting for our products and customers on the fly during the pandemic, the strongest cultures adjusted quickly for their employees as well.

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