Thinkers50 LinkedIn Live with Jennifer Moss


Jennifer joined Thinkers 50 for this LinkedIn Live!

Jennifer joined Thinkers50 founders Des Dearlove and Stuart Crainer for a LinkedIn live where they invited Jennifer to talk about her career background, and journey in the workplace wellness space. Thinkers50 is the world’s most reliable resource for identifying ranking and sharing, the leading management ideas of our age, ideas that can make a real difference in the world. Jennifer was named to their Radar for 2022, The Burnout Epidemic was featured on the Thinkers50 Best New Management Booklist in 2022, and is a contributor to their book Certain Uncertainty: Leading with Agility and Resilience in an Unpredictable World for Wiley. 

Jennifer answered questions from the audience as an expert in burnout, happiness, and workplace culture, and shared some exciting new developments like her LinkedIn Learning course, Preventing Team Burnout as a Manager, and upcoming book that will launch in Fall 2024. 

“Jennifer’s expertise is aimed at driving the conversation towards healthier workplace cultures. Her latest work draws on novel research on burnout, where she argues that we need to rethink our definition and approach to burnout prevention. Among her many publications and books on burnout is ‘The Burnout Epidemic’ (2021) and ‘Beyond Burned Out’ (for HBR).”

You can watch the full live video right here.


4 Brave Conversations that Minimize Burnout


Leading to Prevent Burnout