Rethinking Work-Life, Well-Being, Leadership, and Work Culture

Welcome to Jennifer Moss's dedicated space, where in-depth explorations into burnout, employee happiness and well-being, and workplace culture converge. As an award-winning journalist and in-demand female public speaker, Jennifer has been at the forefront of burnout research, delving deep into the modern workplace's complexities. Her insights offer a fresh perspective, especially in these times when a parallel Burnout Epidemic rages alongside global and social challenges.

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With articles rooted in positive psychology, her writings serve as a guidepost for leaders, executives, and individuals navigating the often turbulent waters of workplace health, mental health, and work-life balance. You'll find a unique blend of research, the latest data, personal experiences, and actionable insights. Jennifer's blog serves as a resource for those seeking to understand, adapt, and thrive. Dive in and join the conversation on creating healthier, happier professional landscapes."

How We All Thrive With A Little Help From Our Friends, Even During A Pandemic
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How We All Thrive With A Little Help From Our Friends, Even During A Pandemic

Many friendships can last a lifetime and have a strong tendency to bring more positivity into our lives in many ways without even noticing. However, the lack of social interaction that we got to experience over the last few years due to the pandemic has put a big strain on our day-to-day life; furthermore, studies now show that people have been struggling with negative health impacts due to the lack of interactions with their friends.

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