Rethinking Work-Life, Well-Being, Leadership, and Work Culture

Welcome to Jennifer Moss's dedicated space, where in-depth explorations into burnout, employee happiness and well-being, and workplace culture converge. As an award-winning journalist and in-demand female public speaker, Jennifer has been at the forefront of burnout research, delving deep into the modern workplace's complexities. Her insights offer a fresh perspective, especially in these times when a parallel Burnout Epidemic rages alongside global and social challenges.

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With articles rooted in positive psychology, her writings serve as a guidepost for leaders, executives, and individuals navigating the often turbulent waters of workplace health, mental health, and work-life balance. You'll find a unique blend of research, the latest data, personal experiences, and actionable insights. Jennifer's blog serves as a resource for those seeking to understand, adapt, and thrive. Dive in and join the conversation on creating healthier, happier professional landscapes."

Why We Find Comfort in Food and How to Curb Emotional Eating
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Why We Find Comfort in Food and How to Curb Emotional Eating

As we find ourselves in the middle of a pandemic, watching the election south of the border and starting to think about what the holidays could look like this year, you'd be forgiven if you're turning to food for comfort. During times of stress, studies show that our need to feel comforted can be triggered by food. It makes sense that during the pandemic, studies show we're eating emotionally now more than ever.

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Why The Act Of Giving Just Makes You Feel So Darn Good
Raven B Raven B

Why The Act Of Giving Just Makes You Feel So Darn Good

Shopping for the holidays can be scary, but studies show that giving gifts has been known to uplift one’s mood and overall well-being. When shopping for the right reasons, you can figure out many ways of giving back to someone besides just shopping for a gift, especially during the holidays. For instance, volunteering, donating to charities, helping at a food bank and more. Naturally, the holidays tend to make a lot of people happier and excited about spending time with friends and family. For others, its receiving or giving gifts and generous gestures to others, which helps them feel good.

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7 Types of Rest You Need
Raven B Raven B

7 Types of Rest You Need

Sleep and rest are not the same thing and this confusion may lead us to feel chronic fatigue and burnout.

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