Beyond Burned Out


Jennifer has been featured in Harvard Business Review’s Big Idea series with her piece Beyond Burned Out. Featuring original research conducted during the pandemic, Jennifer explores a topic that she has been championing for years - burnout. 

In the research, people claim to be consumed by the pandemic, with 89% of respondents saying their well-being is worse. Only 1 in 5 said their well-being was good, and a mere 2% said it was excellent. 

We are in another crisis, and the data proves that it’s time for leaders and organizations to act. Jennifer argues that it’s time to completely rethink burnout, and the first step is to face this inconvenient truth: burnout is not an individual problem; it’s an organizational problem to solve. 

People are burning out at epidemic-level rates not because of personal failures to manage their stress, but because of systems and policies that are broken or failing. Emphasizing individual self-care not only unfairly blames the victim, but it ignores the systemic and institutional factors that lead to burnout – and which leaders can and must address.

If you’re a leader or organization looking for tools and strategies to address and prevent burnout, contact us to discuss how we can help. 


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