Jennifer Moss

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Job Openings in Canada

BNN Taking Stock - Job Openings 2023
Jennifer appeared on BNN Taking Stock with Amanda Lang to discuss the recent trend of higher job churn, and why so many people are unhappy at work and looking for new roles. 

“There’s some recent data that shows that there’s still a large swath of employers hiring and there is a lot of attrition. The last data showed there’s still 41% of the global workforce that plans to resign in the next 3 months.” That is a lot of unsatisfied employees.

Amanda asked Jennifer if in her expert opinion, we’re seeing employers offer better terms in order to attract new talent, or if they’re continuing to ask existing employees to do more. Jennifer speaks about how we’re generally seeing employers take a ‘wait and see’ approach and looking at this change as more of a reshuffling of talent. 

They also discussed whether this is an ideal time for people to look for new roles, and the effect of trends such as ‘Rage Applying’ on the current job market. 

A common language definition of Rage Applying is a person is so unhappy with their current job that they apply for many others in a burst. it is in a similar class to Quiet Quitting which is another form of employee protest - when employees put in the minimum amount of effort to keep their jobs, but don't go the extra mile for their employer.