Jennifer Moss

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Google Recently Announced Further Cutbacks to Employee Perks, but Staff Say The Company Has Been Pulling Back on Freebies For Years

“For workers who still visit the office, the loss of some perks in favor of remote-work benefits could be frustrating. Staff notice even small changes to their work perks. The worst thing you can do is change the coffee."

Google has been gradually cutting back on employee perks, according to current and former workers. ​The company has reduced cafe opening hours and limited laptop replacements, among other changes. ​ While some cuts were necessitated by the pandemic, workers say that the changes have gone beyond that. ​ Google's food options have been scaled back, and travel budgets have become tighter. ​ Team socials and events have also been scaled back. ​ The company has reduced holiday gifts and parties, replacing them with charity donations. ​ Despite these cutbacks, many workers still appreciate the perks and benefits offered by Google. ​

Jennifer Moss, an author who focuses on workplace culture and burnout, emphasizes the importance of even small changes to work perks. ​ She states that staff notice even small changes, and "The worst thing you can do is change the coffee." ​ Moss highlights the potential frustration that can arise when perks are taken away, especially for workers who still visit the office. ​

The article also mentions that Google's recent cutbacks may be a way to avoid layoffs. ​ Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a business-psychology expert, suggests that companies generally start reducing perks as they become bigger to maximize shareholder profit. ​ He adds that the current environment of the tech industry, which has seen mass layoffs, means that workers are less likely to complain about the loss of perks. ​

Overall, the article highlights the gradual reduction of perks at Google and the potential impact it can have on employee satisfaction and engagement. ​ Jennifer’s insights shed light on the significance of even small changes to work perks and the potential frustration they can cause for employees. ​