Jennifer Moss

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Employees Demand New Skills to Use and Compete with AI

This article explores the concerns and attitudes of employees towards artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace. ​ According to a survey conducted by Visier, 86% of employees believe that their companies should play a role in reskilling to ensure they are not easily replaced by machines. ​ Additionally, 84% of HR professionals in a survey by Greenhouse stated that their workplaces need more education and training on AI tools. ​ Another study by TalentLMS found that 43% of HR managers believe their organizations will face a skills gap due to AI. ​

The article highlights the importance of AI literacy in the workforce. ​ A survey by Skillsoft revealed that 80% of c-level IT executives are dealing with workforce skills gaps, with nearly 70% struggling to hire qualified talent proficient in AI. ​ The report also showed that IT leaders are more likely to upskill and reskill existing employees rather than hiring new staff to close skills gaps. ​

The adoption of AI in the workplace is hindered by budget constraints, according to a forthcoming study by Dialpad. ​ However, companies that embrace AI and are willing to be on the leading edge can gain a distinct advantage and achieve greater return on investment. ​

The author emphasizes the role of communication in addressing employees' fears and maintaining morale. Jennifer Moss, author of the books “Unlocking Happiness at Work” and “The Burnout Epidemic” and an adviser to companies such as Google, Heinz, and MetLife, recommended developing a strategy to encourage workers that “they’re not going to be obsolete, because that fear is going to make people feel like they either have to leave or it’s going to lead to decreased morale, which is [already] a big problem. People are terrified, and I think communication is going to be maybe the most important part right now to settling people’s fears.”

This article highlights the concerns of employees regarding AI in the workplace and the need for companies to take responsibility for reskilling and providing education on AI tools. ​ It also emphasizes the importance of AI literacy and the challenges faced by IT leaders in closing skills gaps.