Jennifer Moss

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How to Navigate Social Media

How to Navigate Social Media When Your Boss Follows You.

It’s important to maintaining personal boundaries on social media when your boss follows you. ​ 68% of workers are connected to colleagues on social media, making it increasingly unavoidable to connect with your boss online. ​ The author provides six ways to maintain personal boundaries on social media. ​

  1. Learn the company's culture: It is important to understand the social media culture of your organization, including the social media guidelines and what is permissible or not. ​ Michelle Carvill, author of "The Myths of Social Media," advises understanding the culture and guidelines set by your employer. ​

  2. Delete 'phases' of social media: Ben Voyer, a researcher, suggests borrowing a practice from China where people erase their social media accounts after graduating from university. ​ This can be seen as a way to leave the past behind and start afresh when approaching graduation and looking for a job. ​

  3. Moderate yourself: It is important to find a balance between self-censorship and being true to yourself on social media. ​ Voyer suggests finding your voice and engaging with topics that matter while also moderating yourself. If you want to be outspoken or keep your thoughts private, Carvill advises creating separate, private accounts. ​

  4. Limit politics: While it is important to express your political beliefs if they are important to your identity, Voyer suggests being cautious about veering too much into politics as it could backfire. ​

  5. Don't say it online if you wouldn't say it aloud: Carvill advises using good judgment and considering whether you would say something to someone's face before posting it online. ​ Offensive posts can have the same consequences as saying something offensive in person. ​

  6. Pause before you post: Social media can become compulsive for some users, and it is important to be selective in what you post. ​ Jennifer Moss, author of The Burnout Epidemic and Unlocking Happiness at Work, advises spending time assessing the image you want to portray to the public and being mindful of the reputation you are building. ​

This article provides practical tips for maintaining personal boundaries on social media when your boss follows you. ​ It emphasizes the importance of understanding your company's culture, moderating yourself, being cautious about politics, and being mindful of what you post.